5 research outputs found

    Increasing information feed in the process of structural steel design

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    Research initiatives throughout history have shown how a designer typically makes associations and references to a vast amount of knowledge based on experiences to make decisions. With the increasing usage of information systems in our everyday lives, one might imagine an information system that provides designers access to the ‘architectural memories’ of other architectural designers during the design process, in addition to their own physical architectural memory. In this paper, we discuss how the increased adoption of semantic web technologies might advance this idea. We investigate to what extent information can be described with these technologies in the context of structural steel design. This investigation indicates significant possibilities regarding information reuse in the process of structural steel design and, by extent, in other design contexts as well. However, important obstacles and question remarks can still be outlined as well

    Ontwikkeling van een Google SketchUp-plugin als ontwerpinstrument voor een energiezuinige architectuur

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    Sinds 1 januari 2006 is in Vlaanderen de energieprestatieregelgeving van kracht. Vlaamse architecten, ontwerpers en ingenieurs worstelen met deze nieuwe wetgeving en zijn nog steeds op zoek naar een instrument waarmee ze reeds van in de beginfase van het onwerp het peil van energieprestatie kunnen bepalen. Deze paper behandelt het onderzoek naar en de ontwikkeling van een Google SketchUp-plugin, dat kadert in de masterscriptie van Tine Jonckheere. Er werd onderzocht wat de specifieke noden zijn van de architecten in Vlaanderen en welke oplossingen er reeds voorhanden zijn. Vervolgens werd een prototype van de SketchUp-plugin ontwikkeld en getoetst aan de eisen en noden van de architect

    Increasing information feed in the process of structural steel design

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    Research initiatives throughout history have shown how a designer typically makes associations and references to a vast amount of knowledge based on experiences to make decisions. With the increasing usage of information systems in our everyday lives, one might imagine an information system that provides designers access to the ‘architectural memories’ of other architectural designers during the design process, in addition to their own physical architectural memory. In this paper, we discuss how the increased adoption of semantic web technologies might advance this idea. We investigate to what extent information can be described with these technologies in the context of structural steel design. This investigation indicates significant possibilities regarding information reuse in the process of structural steel design and, by extent, in other design contexts as well. However, important obstacles and question remarks can still be outlined as well

    3D architectural design in the semantic web

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    An application domain that may experience significant improvements by increasingly relying on semantic technology, is the domain of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC). This domain has a high amount of very diverse kinds of information, making systems capable of reasoning about this information highly valuable as they enable an improved design decision support. This paper briefly documents part of our investigation of the applicability of semantic technology for the AEC domain. This has proven a valid approach that has an important potential in improving information management and design decision support in the AEC domain